The Whole World

I’m always touched when I see an elderly couple walking hand-in-hand. Relationships evolve over time. No matter what stage you and your partner have reached, I recommend holding hands through this branch of your journey. It may seem like a small expression, but sometimes the smallest gestures wield the greatest power.

On a basic level, hand-holding expresses a shared connection. This is true even in non-romantic relationships. With your partner, holding hands links you together, binds your bodies, locks you as one. And, no matter the size difference, holding hands demonstrates that you fit together. This simple act communicates complex signalssignals that delve beneath the skin’s surface to root their message deep within your partner. Interlock fingers to express a desired attachment. Hold tight to convey solidarity. Stroke your thumb across bare skin as your promise of pleasures to come.

There’s a reason Shakespeare said, “let lips do what hands do.” That sensual skin-on-skin contact mirrors the press of two lips. Much like kissing, hand-holding produces oxytocin, which in turn stimulates dopamine and serotonin. Hands and fingers possess the most nerve endings in the body. Imagine the potency in each subtle skin-brushed sweep.

Hand-holding can be a proud public statement that declares: I’m with her! It can be a comforting voice that murmurs: I’m with you. More importantly, hand-holding provides a shared intimacy that whispers: I love you.

If you try this method or have a better suggestion, let me know in the comments. For weekly tips on how to show your partner love, sign up for my blog, 52 Love, in the sidebar. (This post was originally published January 21, 2019.)


  1. Hey Tonya-

    This is a very beautiful piece involving one of life’s most taken for granted pleasures that of holding the hand of someone you love, I miss holding someone’s hand because I am not actively seeking companionship right now but I still love the memories of when I did enjoy holding a loved one’s hand. A lovely piece as usual!


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