The Way to His Heart

Eating is a necessity. Cooking, as a means to that, can often feel like a chore. Yet be it grand celebrations, playful picnics, or family mealtime, food brings people together. Instead of dreading this fundamental staple, turn it into a bonding experience by seasoning your relationship with the ingredients for a long, loving partnership. For week 22 of 52 Love, try a little sugar and spice in the kitchen.

Most rate the ability to cook as highly attractive. Even if cooking isn’t your forte, the act of trying shows dedication to your loved one. That effort marks you as an attractive mate. If a novice, you produce humorous memories. If a pro, that confident competence kindles intimacy in and out of the kitchen.

Preparing meals together connects you on a deeper level. Working as a team builds trust, which strengthens you as a couple. Creating something together requires cooperation. When you rely on each other and work toward a common goal, it solidifies the notion that the two of you have a partnership. Whether you choose one dish and share the tasks or divide multiple dishes between you, being able to stay on the same page when preparing a recipe speaks well for your ability to stay on the same page as a couple. Even making something as simple as grilled cheese sandwiches with tomato soup inspires a shared sense of satisfaction far more gratifying than going it alone.

Cooking together fosters communication skills. For many couples, kitchen duties are split between meal prep and cleaning. Although this is a fair division of chores, it equates to separated bodies. Rather than spending that time apart as you each work independently, share that time together. Chat about the day, plans for the week, or treasured memories from childhood. Whether tossing a simple salad or concocting a five-course meal, embrace this chance to connect over one-on-one time in the kitchen.

In Week 16 we covered how sharing personal development with your partner strengthens your relationship. When cooking together, you also learn from each other. You each bring different skills to the table. Nobody is competing. Rather than argue about whose method is best, experiment with each other’s preferences. Cultivate an environment that stimulates creativity. Share your secrets. Listen to his. Meld each other’s ideas into delicious cuisine emblematic of the team who built it.

Cooking can be a sensuous activity. Creativity stimulates your senses. Channel that energy to get his blood pumping in the tight confines of your kitchen. Have fun during downtime. While waiting for water to boil, dance to a favorite song. Strip tease as the meat simmers. Feed him unused ingredients by hand. Mix in a little saucy flirting, combined with some spicy wordplay, and I guarantee your skillet won’t be the only thing sizzling in the kitchen.

Once your meal is on the table, enjoy the succulent reward together. Pour two glasses of wine and continue date night over dinner conversation. Feed your partner morsels from your plate. Whether your kitchen tales consist of hilarious mistakes or spectacular culinary creations, the meals you prepare together will become linked to the emotions that accompany the experience. Build memories seasoned with the love and care that went into preparing your meal.

If you try this intimacy tip or have a better recommendation, let me know in the comments. For weekly suggestions on how to show your partner love, sign up for my blog, 52 Love, in the sidebar.

1 Comment

  1. So perfect to read this tonight after dinner. Gerald made fish and chips. I made a small salad and set the table. We tag teamed the cleanup after sweet potato pie and listening to Larson Live on Facebook.
    Love this article and love you XOXOXOXO

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