The Ayes Have It

Election season may not be the most romantic time of year. No Valentine’s Day. No May flowers. No summer weddings. Much of 52 Love is about building long-term intimacy with your partner. In Week 4, I encouraged you to go for a walk. For Week 44, take that romantic stroll to the polls.

Reasons to vote go beyond determining the presidency. Election results impact your livelihood and that of future generations. Voting is your chance to stand up for issues that matter to you. You share the responsibility to influence change. Exercising your right to vote empowers you from within and emboldens you to actively make a difference.

As with other activities that feel good, your pleasure increases when you do it together. While placing your ballot demonstrates your investment in your future, voting together connects that long-term investment to your relationship. Align as a couple while you prepare for Election Day. Review ballot questions and investigate candidates as a team. Some first-time voters may find the process challenging. Share what you discover to navigate the learning curve as a couple.

Voting together speaks to your solidarity as a couple and your commitment to each other first, irrespective of political party. Love transcends politics. Although you are a unit, your partnership consists of two individuals with independent opinions. This isn’t the time to try and persuade your partner into voting in line with your choices. Hear each other’s perspectives but leave the debating to the candidates.

Reshape the dialogue around civic duties. Discuss the importance of using your voice. Rejoice in your right to participate in democracy. Differing opinions can add a layer of passion to a relationship. So long as you and your partner discuss your ideas without demeaning each other, you can channel that passion into a post-vote celebration.

Make this social cohesion a date-night. Dress for the occasion. Don patriotic colors to the voting booth. Proudly wear your “I voted” stickers and snap a selfie to preserve the memory. Then thank the volunteers, go home, pour champagne, and toast each other for performing your civic duties.

If you try this intimacy tip or have a better recommendation, let me know in the comments. For weekly suggestions on how to show your partner love, sign up for my blog, 52 Love, in the sidebar.

1 Comment

  1. Voting together with my husband of 26 years has almost always been a date night. This year voted we together at home and delivered our ballots to the Post Office. Before retiring, we normally worked a full day before getting to the polls. We would have dinner at one of our favorite locals places after voting.
    We generally, but not always, agree on which way to vote. Similarly, we sometimes disagree about other things. We each have a brain. Hopefully, this leads to dialogue which helps better understand each other, even if we still disagree.
    As always, great insight Tonya! XOXOXOXO

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