Step by Step

Never underestimate the value of agenda-free time. Oddly enough, one of the best ways I’ve found to block the outside world is to go outside. The next time you want to showcase your affection, grab your partner for a healthy jaunt outdoors.

Let this alone time remind that you need only each other. Fresh air and exercise work wonders for the soul. Walking alone increases blood flow, reduces stress, and promotes a healthy mind and body. With a partner, it produces much more. A relaxing stroll can help you both decompress from the fast-paced hustle of your all-too-busy lives. Clear your minds from the daily burdens and simply enjoy one another’s company. Leave phones at home. Forgo overstimulating technology. Instead, embrace each other.

Make memories by enjoying the journey. Ignore your destination and your step count; your goal is together time. While outdoors, share the visuals that often go unnoticed: plants in bloom, critters at play, impressive cloud formations. Turn to your partner and absorb the way the sun highlights the sparkle in his eyes.

This focused attention strengthens your bond. And, prioritizing time together shows him how much he means to you when you’re apart. Little efforts like this accumulate over time. Eventually, these everyday expressions build the foundation for a lifetime of love.

As a bonus, use this opportunity to incorporate the 52 Love lessons from the last 3 weeks. Hold hands during your stroll, employ great listening skills, and treat your sweetie to a hot beverage after you come in from the cold. Who knows? After your walk, you may catch a second wind, which could lead to other intimate endeavors. You’ll certainly sleep better afterward.

If you try this method or have a better suggestion, let me know in the comments. For weekly tips on how to show your partner love, sign up for my blog, 52 Love, in the sidebar. (This post was originally published January 28, 2019.)


  1. Hey Tonya-

    Once again your beautiful writing had me visualizing going for a walk and holding hands and noticing the outside world with the one you love and of course returning home in a cozy bubble made for just the two of you, I am so loving these pieces of 52 love an inspiring reason to read (okay scan) my emails on Mondays!


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