Greeting cards supplement holiday and birthday celebrations. During the in-between days, this unexpected token holds far more weight. The surprise factor alone should brighten your partner’s day. More than that, your personal touch will make this a gift to treasure.
Step away from the buzz of social media digital journals and show your partner how you feel with a carefully selected physical symbol of your love. A traditional card lasts longer than the fleeting feel of a text, an email, or even a phone call. Don’t weaken your gesture with a flashy, all-too-easy e-card. No videos to view. No pixels to peruse. Just a simple, old-fashioned paper reminder of your love.
Allow yourself an afternoon to search the greeting card section of your supermarket or visit a specialty store. Examine the aisles for a card face that suits your partner. Once you narrow your choices to the best covers, read the interior messages until one speaks to you. This gesture is about more than the gift. Humorous or sober. Sexy or sweet. You’ll find the time you spent finding the perfect blend of aesthetic value and sentiment well worthwhile.
Better yet, go the extra mile by making one yourself. There’s no better way to personalize than customizing your creation. Whichever way you choose, take the time to write a personal note expressing how you feel. This can be a quick “I love you” or a detailed affection confession. Use this chance to flirt or pour your heart into a poem. So, long as you share your feelings, your partner will cherish the way you’ve shown them in Week 12 of 52 Love.
If you try this intimacy tip or have a better recommendation, let me know in the comments. For weekly suggestions on how to show your partner love, sign up for my blog, 52 Love, in the sidebar. (This post was updated since its original publication on March 25, 2019, long before Covid-19 social distancing. Please wait until it is safe to implement this practice.)