In light of the current pandemic, I imagine a robust resurgence in indoor activities. If your mind flew to the same naughty thought as mine, this week’s 52 Love suggestion may perplex you. Rather than bedroom gymnastics, I recommend something that works well without the need to undress: a complex jigsaw puzzle. As with most of my tips, clothing is optional.
Jigsaw puzzles offer a chance to break from binge-watching, disengage from the digital world, and escape the reason we’re stuck at home. Unplugging from screens and devices is important for mental health. With that in mind, clear a spot for two, lead your partner to the playing field, spread your pieces, and relax as you join them together.
Solving puzzles improves mental and physical health. It increases concentration while keeping your brain busy and stimulated, free from negative input. Puzzle-solving provides a sense of restoring order to the chaos we’re facing in our lives, a sense of accomplishment when so little is in our control.
Alone, this small victory can work wonders on our psyches. Together it builds the foundation for a strong partnership. Just as puzzles improve your memory by reinforcing the existing connections between your brain cells, joint puzzle play reinforces the connections between you and your partner.
Solving a jigsaw puzzle engages both the intuitive and creative sides of your brain. While you improve your attention span and problem-solving skills, you sharpen your brains as a couple. Subsequently, this exercise will help strengthen your bond as a problem-solving team.
A larger puzzle may last for days, allowing you to connect throughout the week. Use this one-on-one time to encourage creativity and communication. Chat about childhood memories, current challenges, or future plans. See where the conversation leads you. If there are elusive pieces, employ a bit of healthy competition while you work toward the same goal. No losers in this game.
This focused activity will serve as a stress-reliever that keeps you fully in the moment. Working toward a common goal strengthens you and your partner as a team. Sit side by side, across from each other, or plant yourself in his lap. The point is, you’re working together. Everyday stress, or pandemic worries, will evaporate as you meditate on your joint task. Soon, peace and tranquility will replace the day’s concerns and draw you closer. And like playing games in Week 6, you can add a sexy twist by removing clothing at each completed milestone, which may lead to those robust indoor activities.
If you try this intimacy tip or have a better recommendation, let me know in the comments. For weekly suggestions on how to show your partner love, sign up for my blog, 52 Love, in the sidebar.
Hey Tonya-
I like this piece because it has a light playful tone which I’m sure couples are in great need of now-well done!