Pictures Paint a Thousand Affections

Couples photos are quite fun and I encourage you to try them one day. For Week 15 of 52 Love, I propose a more intimate approach: create your personal photoshoot for your partner.

Key words: for your partner. This is not a boudoir shoot with photos taken for a recipient. The focus should be on creating an experience for your partnerA photoshoot gives her an excuse to dress up. She can choose an outfit that makes her feel pretty. Sexy. Carefree. Whichever she prefers. The more comfortable she is, the more attractive she feels, the more she’ll let her inhibitions fly in front of the lens. Letting go of these inhibitions with someone you trust brings you closer together. It binds your love more securely than paying someone to watch you do it.

Avoid the temptation to hire a professional for your shoot (especially during a quarantine). It’s not about the photos. They merely commemorate your loving gesture. And though a pro might provide better pictures, your loving touch will create better memories for your partner. 

As a model, I’ve learned that the photographer sets the tone. The person pointing the lens either mows down the subject with critique and criticism or helps her blossom into vibrant bloom. For a successful shoot, aim for the latter. Be playful. Make her laugh. Recommend silly poses to try. Give her room to try some on her own. Create a safe space to experiment together. In love with a serious girl? Capture her smolder as she broods right into the camera, melting your heart. 

Nature creates the best backdrops. Find a remote location free from the world’s interruptions, a private spot devoid of other people. A cinematic sunset, a red rock landscape, a sandy beach, a waterfall. Someplace that isolates your adventure from prying eyes.

Posing for a camera may be out of your partner’s comfort zone. For many, allowing someone to photograph them truly is a measure of trust. Assure your sweetheart that these photos are for the two of you and that no one else will see them without her permission. Keep this promise. Respect her wishes. Ignore your surging pride at having this beauty in your life. She’s involved with you because she loves you, not so you can show her off to your friends.

Remember, this photoshoot declares that you treasure your partner enough to immortalize your affection. Not only will you create a permanent reminder of your good fortune in having snagged such a mate, the two of you will grow closer through the intimacy of the experience. And once you finish Delete bad photos. Celebrate good shots. Enjoy great memories forever.

If you try this intimacy tip or have a better recommendation, let me know in the comments. For weekly suggestions on how to show your partner love, sign up for my blog, 52 Love, in the sidebar.  (This post was updated since its original publication on April 15, 2019, long before Covid-19 social distancing. Please wait until it is safe to implement this outdoors, or tweak for indoor practice.)


  1. I just love reading all these ideas of how to deepen, strengthen, and recharge my very special relationship with my wife, Norma, of over 46 years! How many ways are there to say I Love You? If relationships take work, surely it is a labor of love. Thanks for reminding me to not take her for granted!

  2. Hey Tonya-
    This was a very interesting piece- using photography as another avenue toward intimacy with another Human Being, as a photographer gaining traction on and Instagram I purposely shy away from Portrait and your piece has given me a more concrete reason as to why- I am not ready yet to receive nor give that type of intimacy. I feel safer with Flora and Fauna Clouds Architecture and fairly recently Cats!

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