Fervent Verses

You don’t have to be Edward Bulwer-Lytton to recognize the power of the pen. Nor must you be Shakespeare to power your pen effectively. This week, celebrate your powerful passion by penning your love in a poem.

Poetry reaches the soul. Whispered words. Perfumed prose. Kisses caressing your core. A poem crafted from love can infiltrate your partner’s psyche and penetrate to the root of what makes her yours.

At a basic level, poetry consists of symbols that communicate strong emotion or beauty. As a means to express love, a handwritten poem lasts as a permanent reminder of your affection. This gesture will express your sentiment on multiple levels. Regardless of your partner’s love language, she will appreciate the time you spent composing, the prose that confesses your heart, and the physical gift that captures it all.

Experiment with your poem. Let your creative juices flow. Try a dirty limerick, compose an acrostic list with adjectives that describe her, or detail your devotion to her lips. The tone can range from the tenderness of “How Do I Love Thee?” to the titillation of “May I Feel?” No need to study poetic format to script your loving words. The beauty of poetic license means you need not limit your possibilities. Whether free prose, haiku, limerick, or sonnet, the important thing is to capture your heart on the page. 

If you try this method or have a better suggestion, let me know in the comments. For weekly tips on how to show your partner love, sign up for my blog, 52 Love, in the sidebar. (This post was originally published February 4, 2019.)


  1. Hey Tonya-

    As usual you are spot on, one year for both my children and their father I wrote each of them a poem for their birthdays I used a different font for each one and I bought silver frames for them as well the only similarity was that I used Purple ink! They loved them and have them prominently displayed, there is truly no deeper way to outwardly express the love you feel for another human being than to write them a poem or a letter from your heart. This piece was beautiful as always, thank you for writing it Tonya! P.S. I am still reading a few pieces of Poetry daily from my books and posting my impressions of what I have read on Twitter!

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