Disconnect to Reconnect

We’ve all experienced those moments. You’re sharing a beloved movie with your partner. The film approaches an exciting scene. In anticipation of your partner’s reaction, you turn to watch his face. His eyes light up. His smile brightens. He chuckles and…

…it’s all directed at his media feed.

No one enjoys getting phubbed—when someone ignores you for their phone. When your partner does it, the injury cuts deeper. For Week 38 of 52 Love, unplug for some quality time together. Remove distracting phones, get cozy on the couch, and watch an uninterrupted movie.

Phone-free movie time might be a challenge for some. We’ve conditioned ourselves to have a cellphone within reach. Yet, smartphone dependency has a negative impact on relationship satisfaction. Continual focus on your phone communicates that news apps, social media, and text messages are more important than your partner. Take a night to enjoy a movie together without the threat of interrupting pings, chimes, flashes, and buzzes.

Treat it like a first date. If during your introduction to one another you kept one eye glued to your phone, there probably wouldn’t have been a second date. Not being available to everyone sends the message that your attention is valuable. Show your partner his importance to you by denying the outside world access.

Keep in mind, a cellphone’s mere presence distracts your brain. Even when it’s silenced. Even on airplane mode. Even if it’s powered off. When your phone is within reach, some of your cognitive energy is tethered to it. Sever that tie by removing the phone from the equation.

To ensure the evening remains a no-phone movie night, leave your cell in another room, far out of reach for temptation. Focus on the film, breaking only to share a look or a laugh. Phoneless fingers free your digits for hand-holding or sneaky, snuggling strokes. And who knows—what starts with phoneless movies may develop into fully unplugged date nights. Enjoy dinner without checking your feeds. Finish a conversation without interruptive notifications. Practice 52 Love tips for Week 4, Week 13, and Week 20 without phone distractions. In time, you may beat your nomophobia, improve your quality time, and make no-phone date nights a rule rather than an exception.

If you try this intimacy tip or have a better recommendation, let me know in the comments. For weekly suggestions on how to show your partner love, sign up for my blog, 52 Love, in the sidebar.

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