Compassionate Companionship

Originally I scheduled this tip later in the 52 Love series. Current events compelled me to present it sooner. Regardless of the season, volunteering together is a wonderful way to bond with your partner.

Flexing empathetic muscles helps with understanding other people’s needs and struggles. That generosity strengthens you as a person, which translates to you becoming a better mate. When you volunteer together, you’ll see the best in each other, and ultimately, feel better about yourself and your partner. Embrace the chance to see your partner’s altruistic side. Show her yours. No matter the cause you support, develop those useful skills and apply them to each other.

Building compassion builds companionship. Create memorable experiences when volunteering together. The act of helping others releases oxytocin. Increase your pleasure by experiencing that release together. It’s not the reason to serve others, but it’s an inevitable byproduct of the experience. Enjoy those positive vibes together. Whether the invigoration from your volunteer work at the local wolf sanctuary or the shared victory when a child you’ve mentored crosses the finish line at the Special Olympics, your charitable time will manifest into treasured memories. Through these shared, meaningful experiences, your partnership will grow stronger and more connected.

Eventually, volunteering together will establish an environment of appreciation in your relationship and allow you to grow into better versions of yourselves. Witnessing other people’s challenges can humble you and your partner. Use that humility to boost your gratitude for the blessings in your life.  Reinforce those shared values by counting your blessings together. Let it foster a philosophy of kindness between you. Not only you as a couple, but the plural you and the world.

Helping others, especially when feeling down yourself, offers a boost to your own morale and wellbeing. Moreover, if you point that charitable heart toward a cause near and dear to your partner, you will help others and strengthen your relationship. Learn about her passions and fight for her causes. Whether that means you donate funds to World Wildlife Fund, organize a donation drive for homeless teens, or march on the front lines at a protest, your actions prove that you stand united with her and that things that matter to her, matter to you.

If you try this intimacy tip or have a better recommendation, let me know in the comments. For weekly suggestions on how to show your partner love, sign up for my blog, 52 Love, in the sidebar.

1 Comment

  1. As always, your advice includes actions that have happened in your own relationship. Street Teens, cleaning up the parks, and other causes are things you’ve taken personal action on❤️

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