Hugging creates a sense of well-being and happiness. Put simply, it feels good. At a large party, especially one where you know few people, a friendly hug at arrival eases anxiety and makes you feel welcome. Even a stranger’s embrace envelopes you in comfort, releasing the same type of endorphins the body dispenses after a good workout. Yet, you find the ultimate solace wrapped in the arms of someone you love. This soothing sensation is improved with the removal of clothes. For Week 49 of 52 Love, cuddle naked with your partner.
Skin-on-skin contact does more than fuel intimacy. Naked cuddling is good for your health. Touch relieves pain, both physical and emotional. Beyond easing the discomforts of trauma, a loving caress reallocates the focus of your nerves from the negative sensation to the pleasurable touch. Skin-to-skin contact releases oxytocin, which reduces pain levels, lowers blood pressure, aids in healing, and decreases the production of cortisol, giving your immunity levels a boost.
Nude snuggling is linked to improved relational satisfaction. Cradling your partner in your arms is a non-verbal way to communicate her importance to you. It whispers the sweet words some find uncomfortable voicing. “I treasure you. I’m here for you. I want you intimately close to me.”
Many people struggle with body dysmorphia. That sense of vulnerability is countered by a partner’s loving embrace. Unguarded, yet secure in each other’s arms. Baring yourself to your partner builds trust. Spending more time naked together will help you both grow more comfortable in your own skins. As your comfort with your bodies increases, so does your self-esteem and confidence.
You may have guessed that nude snuggling can lead to other naked activities. Oxytocin is also considered the love hormone. Access to skin naturally encourages more physical intimacy. Cuddling leads to canoodling. And canoodling releases dopamine, which increases sexual desire. Yet, the oxytocin released means you are just as likely to fall asleep as you are to have sex. Whether you start your snuggle as precursor to a refreshing nap, as foreplay, or as a post-coital indulgence, naked cuddling affirms your emotional bond.
Look for ways to incorporate snuggling into your days and nights. Stand and hold one another or cozy up on a cushy couch. Spoon together, nestle your head to your partner’s chest, lightly touch or massage each other. The Cuddle Sutra by Rob Grader offers additional suggestions. Among them, I recommend Melting Butter, Breakfast in Bed, and the full-frontal classic Forking.
If you and your partner cuddle naked in the morning, you can start your day warding off stress, anxiety, high blood pressure, and even the common cold without having to leave your bed. As you embrace the full-body contact of inviting skin, you’ll feel more physically and psychologically connected with your snuggle bunny.
If you try this intimacy tip or have a better recommendation, let me know in the comments. For weekly suggestions on how to show your partner love, sign up for my blog, 52 Love, in the sidebar.